Apple releases film "The ’Wa’ of Soccer" shot on Beastgrip Pro + DOF MK2
Apple releases film "The Heart of Australia" shot on Beastgrip Pro + DOF MK2
Apple releases film "Berlengas Island Cup 2018" shot on Beastgrip Pro + DOF MK2
See the Custom "Unsane" iPhone Rigs in their Behind the Scenes Extras
Interview with Director Mishka Kornai on John Legend's "A Good Night"
Interview with Mobile Journalist Twan Spierts on His Latest Documentary
Twan Spierts studied Journalism in Tilburg, Netherlands and started working as a web editor at Omroep Brabant and worked his way up to a reporter, which he's done for the past few years. He recently shot a full-length documentary titled De Dakar van Dollevoet using iPhones and the Beastgrip Pro with his colleague Ronald Sträter